About R

Defining the conversation between the organized and the people around

Olaf is a renowned scientist-entrepreneur and has made it his life’s work to pioneer in the field of R which is the knowledge and practice domain that enables the certain exceptional forward movement of large groups of people and organizations in the moment. A fusion of the fields of relational communication and organization management.

The R domain consists of two disciplines:

1. Mass Relational Facilitation (or Relational Facilitation at Scale): the use of open yet structured relational conversation (at scale) and liquid goodwill organization to navigate and harness the mental and behavioral relational positions of all people inside an environment. Stimulate them to generate collective foresight and initiate goodwill behaviors that drive the whole exceptionally forward (R by Conversation ; R by Organization)

2. Relationship Engineering: the relational design of processes and organizations in ways that reduce the distance between actors and enable and increase the mobility, activation, involvement and commitment of people across an exceptionally forward moving ecosystem (R by Strategy; R by Design).

Olaf and his colleagues and network constantly push the boundaries of knowledge and understanding around what exceptional things people can achieve together in the moment and on the spot if loyally and relationally navigated.

As one of the cofounders of R, Olaf started the movement of harnessing the transformative power of profound conversations at scale, fostering exceptional behaviors and a sense of unique achievement and identity. Through R, the realms of collective creation are explored, always unburdening people from the need to conform or report, and freeing them from the constraints of emotions and lack of knowledge, information or power. With his thought-provoking work, Olaf and the R movement aim to co-create a better society, one that embraces the full potential of relational metacognition and its impact on organizational growth, personal leaps, societal progress, and functional human connection.

Prepare to embark on a journey of enlightenment and transformation, where the boundaries of conventional thinking are shattered, and the scalable possibilities of a more connected and harmonious world come to life. Contact Olaf now and be part of the relational metacognitive revolution that our people and organized world deserves and needs.